The Benefits of a Quality Roof Coating and How Not to Fall for Subpar Products

El Paso and Las Cruces have no shortage of sunny days a year. All those glowing UV rays take a toll on your roof and make its maintenance that much more important. It’s why roof coatings have become that much more important and popular with homeowners and commercial property owners alike. And yet, many contractors out there go around promising the magical roof coat but might not be entirely qualified to install or have the high-quality materials required for a good. Here, we focus on using the right materials, for the right roof, with the right installation. And that makes all the difference. 

The demand for energy efficiency and cool roofing applications has been growing every year, as advances in material compounds and installations become more sophisticated, more accessible, and interest in meeting energy-efficient standards grows across the nation. The benefits of roof coating include some of the following:

  • Energy use reductions
  • Lower energy bills
  • UV and weather resistance
  • Tax-deductible 
  • Environmentally friendly 

Roof coatings can be made out of a variety of materials. These materials create the proper seal to protect from the elements and close up any leaks. 

Quality roof coatings are typically made out of the following materials:

  • Silicone
  • Urethane
  • Acrylic 
  • Fluoropolymers

Depending on the kind of roof you have, you might also look into getting a liquid applied hydro-stop roof system. This is different than just a protective layer on your roof. It is a roofing system applied in liquid form as a liquid membrane that hardens and protects. With this option, you don’t have to tear off old roofing. 

Signs that Your Roof Contractor Might Not be the Right Guy for the Job

Unfortunately, many unqualified or unlicensed roofers will claim they have the magic solution with roof coating and then install a subpar product that does not produce the right results and slashes a chunk off your checking account. Here are some tips on how to avoid a bad roof coating job:

  • Check the credentials
  • A surprisingly low price often lowered on the spot by a significant amount
  • An insistence for a cash payment 
  • The brushing aside of questions about licensing, insurance, or guarantees
  • Question the details of the roof system.
  • Ask to speak to the manufacturer representative.

For con artist roofers, it is often easy to make the coating look legitimate until the oily surface starts to wash away in the first rain. A good roof coating will extend the life of your roof and will never look like it’s melting away. 

Protect Your Roof with Quality Products and Installation

Here at Smith and Ramirez Roofing, we not only have high-end quality products but we also ensure a proper installation on all of our roof coatings and liquid applied hydro stop roof system. Contact us today!


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